courtesy of DINAH, June, 1978 a neurotic fizgig brimming with
Pernicious, odious, abusive, malicious...The thesaurus rambles on, but the best adjective has yet to present itself. "Damaging" isn't forceful enough, but the mood and the intent are there. While I feel it is important to publicize the nature of the movie, A Different Story at the same time I am almost too angry to offer even a skeletal analysis. Rather than a simple "DON'T SEE IT," however, I will attempt a brief explanation.
After the first few glossy scenes, Hollywood manages to wed a gay man and lesbian under the same roof. Ah, you say, perhaps this will be "a different story" after all. When the movie begins, Stella (the lesbian) is shown leading a comfortable, independent life as a real estate agent. Several scenes later, Albert (the gay man) moves in (after his male lover throws him out) and assumes the role of "lady of the house." Albert minces, whines, cooks and cleans while Stella brings home the bacon. For a short while, the male/female role reversal is amusing, but only for a very short while. Any positive effects that the sex role reversals could have had is totally negated by the insidious reinforcement of negative gay stereotypes.
As for the sanity of the main characters Albert and Stella's "craziness" is miraculously cured by their one-night, overnight conversion to the Straight and Narrow. That's right folks, all you need is a good f-to set
crocodile tears and jealous apprehensions. The stereotypes of the instability of gay relationships along with the insanity of those involved in them is portrayed vividly and viciously.
One by one each aspect of the gay life style is methodically served up and sacrificed to the idols of heterosexuality. Albert, the dress designer. Albert, the cook. Albert, the seamstress. Albert, the "housewife." Stella, the "man of the house." The men in the movie are generally pictured as wispy, cruising deviates, while Stella's lover, Phyllis, seems chronically embroiled in hysteria. Phyllis is portrayed as you straight. Amidst insistent boos from myself and a few others in the audience, Stella and Albert "go straight" without the slightest hint of regret or the smallest psychological or physical adjustment. From the moment of the "curing f" hapless heterosexuality triumphs. Stella gets pregnant and assumes her "womanly" household duties. Albert secures a dress designing position and clambers up the suburban ladder of success. Even Stella's cat Chuck, who roamed freely at the beginning of the movie is educed to a doggedly obedient feline. With the introduction of "heterosexual bliss" even the damn cat is domesticated.
With Chuck last seen languishing in the back seat of the Mercedes, the pace quickens. The baby arrives and
A recent poll in the Akron Canton areas has shown that only 30 people out of 80 asked know what Lambda really is. With the help of September Enterprises, I can clearly tell you What's a Lambda?
Lambda is commonly known as the eleventh lower case letter of the Greek Alphabet. Originally the letter was a picture symbol for the scales, the figure of justice. In time, the Lambda became more abstract to the resemblance of the scales of justice. It represented a concept or qualities of balance.
Greeks believed that balance was a reconciliation between two opposites and as such was not a stable state, but one needing continuous adjustment.
Ancient Spartans wore the Lambda as a symbol of their unity. Many times it was worn as a logo on their sheilds as it signified the special balance which they felt must exist between an individual and the State. They believed that the
demands of society should never interfere with each person's right to be totally free and independent. Each Spartan recognized that only in a common bond could they hope to preserve their existence as a free and equal people.
As Rome rose to power, the Lambda was borrowed since it's overall shape was suggestive of a flame. It was used as the symbol for "lampas"; their latin word for torch.
In the 1960's, when the quest for gay liberation began to emerge as an organized movement after the famous Stonewall riots, the lambda was selected as a gay symbol due to it's famous historical associations.
The Lambda symbolizes justice, balance and the reconciliation of opposites, unity, and the relationship of man and his society; freedom, equality and independence of the individual and light. Gay people feel that the Lambda has those qualities which best represent their obnguono veramuy jectives magna toples
Stella dons a bitchy air of domestic drudgery. Meanwhile, Albert begins to stray. By now the boos have subsided in lieu of a clamoring for a salvaged ending (if not salvation). But not a single scrap of hope is thrown our way; Albert isn't having an affair with his male boss, after all. Instead, we learn that the "other woman" actually is another woman. (Albert drops his gentle mien for the familiar "instant macho").
After a few apologies from Albert for having to prove his manhood, he and Stella are off again. Later, after numerous racings, chasings, and deus ex machina scenes we arrive at the celebrated HAPPY ENDING. Heterosexuality and all its perversities triumph once again. We leave the happy couple rapturously reunited as the cloyingly sweet theme song lingers on.
If this movie had been about straights it would have been mediocre, but harmless. As it is, the movie remains mediocre, but it is far from innocuous. It is a deliberately degrading and exploitative portrayal of gay life. Its slick message gives a colorful credence to the Anita Bryant et al sentiment. I regret that I did not have the information set forth here before I saw the movie. You have not wasted your time in being forewarned. Please don't waste your money at the box office.
By Maggie
As a symbol of freedom for gay people, the lambda has come to represent the "light of knowledge shed into the darkness of ignorance." It promises hope of a new future, with dignity, for gay men and women everywhere.
Today, the Lambda is recognized as a unique international symbol for gay rights, for sexual liberation, for justice and enlightenment; as well as for a needed balance in acceptance of differences by and within all humanity.
Many local companies have capitalized on the Lambda logo transforming it into jewelry, T. shirts, decals, bumper strips, etc. September enterprises at 17 N. Chestnut, Youngstown has been selling such items for several years and has found them to be quite popular. LaBelle Company of Akron (P.O. Box 380 Tallmadge) says it has sold nearly a thousand lambda items in the past eight months. It is the common consensus that all of us should display the Lambda and Be Proud.
ad evoromaly,aga agroit
another fun auctionat
OCT11th hayloft
77 N. ADAMS STREET Chas. Boyd, Auctioneer✰
all proceeds donated to:
GEAR UP-join us
Your contribution to the GEAR Foundation helps to support HIGH GEAR, the Gay Community Center of Cleveland (GCCC), the Gay Hotline/ Switch board, and the Foundation itself.
Please mail this form, with your check or money order, to GEAR Foundation-secretary
P.O. Box 0177 Cleveland, OH 44101
GEAR Foundation Pop Registration
....$100 lifetime membership
$15 annual membership
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.... Anonymous membership Dat.............. 1978
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